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We may revise this Terms of Use at any time by updating this posting (see date on top). It is your responsibility to check the Website from time to time to review the current terms and conditions as each use of the Website by you signifies your acceptance to be bound by the latest terms and conditions. Certain provisions of this Terms of Use may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms located on particular pages of the Website. If you do not wish to accept any new terms and conditions after we have given notice, you should not continue to use the Website.


The intellectual property rights in the Website and the Content, as well as trademarks, logos, service marks, trade names and trade dress appearing in them (collectively, “Marks”) are owned by us and/or our licensors. These are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved. EXCEPT AS ALLOWED IN THIS TERMS OF USE, YOU MUST NOT USE THE WEBSITE, ANY CONTENT OR THE MARKS WITHOUT FIRST GETTING PERMISSION TO DO SO FROM US AND/OR OUR LICENSORS. It is important that you do this so that we (yes, that means you and us) don’t get in trouble unnecessarily. If you breach any of the terms in this Terms of Use, your permission to use the Website automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any downloaded or printed Content from the Website. Sometimes you may come across Content that you find interesting. We have made it possible for you to easily share it with others, but we don’t pay for any sharing that you may choose to do.


Content that you can share will have a “Share” button near to it with favicon buttons for you to email or post such Content to your social media platforms (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc) When you share Content on such social media platforms, their terms will also apply to you. Those terms will be different from these here. Take time to read through them to properly understand what you are getting into.


Do note that we may also from time to time make changes to the Website and the Content. For example, when we introduce a new feature, when we change how we provide a service to comply with a new legal requirement or when we correct a mistake in the Content etc.

We can at any time suspend or terminate access to the Website or the Content for certain territories or for any period.


If you believe that any Content infringes your or another person’s intellectual property rights, please email us at to report it.

We appreciate your help in identifying and reporting infringements. We promise to investigate the matter, but we cannot guarantee that we will respond to your email or that we will take any action.


The Website provides you with access to sites, applications, or platforms which are owned or operated by third parties. We can’t and don’t control these third parties. Whenever you use any of these third-party sites, applications, or platforms, they will have their own terms of use and privacy policies. You should read through their terms of use and privacy policies to ensure that you agree with them.



We take effort to make the Website and the Content interesting and informative for your reading pleasure. However, sometimes things may go wrong. We do not have any special relationship with you which puts a duty on us to act in your best interest. YOU USE THE WEBSITE AND THE CONTENT ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.


You should not submit any personal data to us without first reading our Privacy and Cookies Policy which explains how we process your personal data. Like most websites, we also use cookies to help us understand how people are using the Website. Our use of cookies, and how to disable cookies, is explained in our Privacy and Cookies Policy.

By using the Website, you agree that we can process any personal data you provide to us in accordance with our Privacy and Cookies Policy. Do read them.


We shall be relieved of the obligations to perform our obligations under this Terms of Use to the extent that the performance thereof is prevented by events or circumstances beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, riots or civil disorder, fire, flood, lightning, industrial dispute, war or military operations, labour disturbance, inclement weather, disease outbreaks and any acts or omissions of government, persons or bodies beyond our reasonable control.


This Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Disputes arising in connection with this Terms of Use shall be in England and Wales.



You may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Terms of Use. We may freely delegate and/or transfer our rights and obligations under this Terms of Use. 


If you break any of the rules in this Terms of Use, even if we do not take action against you when we find out about it, we can always still take action at a later time.

Terms & Conditions

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